Let’s Train Your Dog!

A Kind & Gentle Approach


Seat Belt Harnesses are a Must

Seat Belt Harnesses are a Must

Important topic today, guys and gals. Let’s talk about travel safety and Seat Belt Harnesses are a Must for our 4-legged friends. This was alarming to me so I started to dig a little deeper and here’s what I found: (I have several links below and I’m...
Why Won’t my Dog Come When Called?

Why Won’t my Dog Come When Called?

This is without a doubt the question I get asked the most. The reason is really quite simple… Once upon a time when they were tiny, you (or their previous owner) called that gorgeous, fun-loving, easy-to-get-along-with puppy to come to you and he did! The little...
HOT Summers and Stinky Dog Poop!

HOT Summers and Stinky Dog Poop!

Hi friends! I know, I know, I’ve been terrible at getting my blogs out. No excuses…except does SWAMPED count?? What I have to share with you today though will make up for it and we’ll be best of friends again….Scout’s Honor! Let’s talk about dog poop. More...
Stay vs Wait

Stay vs Wait

Hi my friends! Forgive the lack of posts but it seems the whole world got puppies for Christmas! Talk about swamped! Truth told, however, if I’m going to be “swamped” with anything, what could be better than being swamped with PUPPIES?!! This past month in working...